Gradle Setup with OMH Core Gradle Plugin

To incorporate OMH Maps into your project, you have two options: utilize the OMH Core Gradle Plugin or directly include the OMH Client libraries dependencies. The subsequent instructions will outline the necessary steps for including the OMH Core Gradle Plugin.

  1. In main build.gradle add following code
  1. In your app’s module-level build.gradleunder the plugins element add the plugin id.

    plugins {
  2. Save the file and sync Project with Gradle Files.

Configure the OMH Core plugin

In this sample app, we utilize the OmhConfig definition to expand the capabilities of the existing Android Studio variants. For more details, refer to the OMH Core Plugin Docs.

Basic configuration

  1. In your app’s module-level build.gradle file add the following code at the end of the file.
dependencies {

omhConfig {
   bundle("singleBuild") {
      maps {
         gmsService {
            dependency = ""
         nonGmsService {
            dependency = ""
   bundle("gms") {
      maps {
         gmsService {
            dependency = ""
   bundle("nonGms") {
      maps {
         nonGmsService {
            dependency = ""

In this step, you defined the OMH Core Plugin bundles to generate multiple build variants with specific suffixes as their names. For example, if your project has release and debug variants with singleBuild, gms, and nonGms OMH bundles, the following build variants will be generated:

  • releaseSingleBuild, releaseGms, and releaseNonGms
  • debugSingleBuild, debugGms, and debugNonGms
Variant singleBuild
  • Define the Service. In this example is maps.
  • Define the ServiceDetails. In this example are gmsService and nonGmsService.
  • Define the dependency and the path. In this example are" and

    Note: It’s important to observe how a single build encompasses both GMS and Non-GMS configurations.

Variant gms
  • Define the Service. In this example is maps.
  • Define the ServiceDetails . In this example is gmsService.
  • Define the dependency and the path. In this example is".

    Note: gms build covers only GMS (Google Mobile Services).

Variant nonGms
  • Define the Service. In this example is maps.
  • Define the ServiceDetails . In this example is nonGmsService.
  • Define the dependency and the path. In this example is

    Note: nonGms build covers only Non-GMS configurations.

  1. Save and sync Project with Gradle Files.
  2. Now you can select a build variant. To change the build variant Android Studio uses, do one of the following:

    • Select Build > Select Build Variant... in the menu.
    • Select View > Tool Windows > Build Variants in the menu.
    • Click the Build Variants tab on the tool window bar.
  3. You can select any of the 3 variants for the :apps:maps-sample:

    • singleBuild variant builds for GMS (Google Mobile Services) and Non-GMS devices without changes to the code.(Recommended)
    • gms variant builds for devices that has GMS (Google Mobile Services).
    • nonGms variant builds for devices that doesn’t have GMS (Google Mobile Services).

    Note: In the rest of this guide, we will use the debugSingleBuild variant to demonstrate the same build running on GMS and Non-GMS devices.

  4. Open the app’s module-level MainApplication class and add the required imports below the package name. The file is in the same level as the MainActivity:


    Then initialize the OmhMapProvider as follows:

     class MainApplication : Application() {
         override fun onCreate() {

    Important: If you encounter the error “Missing BuildConfig.MAPS_GMS_PATH and BuildConfig.MAPS_NON_GMS_PATH in BuildConfig class”. Follow the next steps:

    • Sync Project with Gradle Files.
    • Select Build from the menu at the top in Android Studio.
    • Click on Clean Project and await.
    • Click on Rebuild Project and await.