Customize OMH Map

This is the main class of the OMH Maps SDK for Android and is the entry point for all methods related to the map. You cannot instantiate a OmhMap object directly, rather, you must obtain one from the getMapAsync() method on a OmhMapFragment or OmhMapView that you have added to your application.

Note: Similar to a View object, an OmhMap can only be read and modified from the Android UI thread. Calling OmhMap methods from another thread will result in an exception.

Any object obtained from the OmhMap is associated with the view. It’s important to not hold on to objects (e.g. OmhMarker) beyond the view’s life. Otherwise it will cause a memory leak as the view cannot be released.

Map View

Alternatively to the OmhMapFragment you can use the OmhMapView which is a View that shows a map. Users of this class must forward all the life cycle methods from the Activity or Fragment containing this view to the corresponding ones in this class. In particular, you must forward on the following methods:

  • onCreate(Bundle)
  • onStart()
  • onResume()
  • onPause()
  • onStop()
  • onDestroy()
  • onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)
  • onLowMemory()

The snippet below shows how to use the OmhMapView. OmhMapView displays a map getting a View using getView(): View?

val view = OmhMapView.getView()

An OmhMap must be acquired using getMapAsync(OnOmhMapCallback). The OmhMapView automatically initializes the maps system and the view.

OmhMapView.getMapAsync { OmhMap ->
     // OmhMap object ready to use.

Note: Advised not to add children to this view.

You can use the map’s camera to set parameters as location and zoom level. For more information, see Camera

override fun onMapReady(OmhMap: OmhMap) {
    // OmhMap object is ready to use.
    // Example of usage.


OmhMap is the main class of the OMH Maps SDK for Android and is the entry point for all methods related to the map. You cannot instantiate a OmhMap object directly, rather, you must obtain one from the getMapAsync() method on a OmhMapFragment or OmhMapView that you have added to your application.

Note: Similar to a View object, an OmhMap can only be read and modified from the Android UI thread. Calling OmhMap methods from another thread will result in an exception.

OmhMap offers multiple funcionalities. Example, you can use the map’s camera to set parameters as location and zoom level. For more information, see Documentation

override fun onMapReady(OmhMap: OmhMap) {
    // OmhMap object is ready to use.
    // Example of usage.