Info Windows

The maps API allows you to add info windows that are assigned to markers and can be opened upon interaction and programmatically.

The default behaviour is for the markers to show the info windows upon click. The Google Maps plugin by default will also re-render an info window whenever its marker is clicked while it is open.

By default, an info window can have a title and snippet. However, in more advanced cases it is possible to use any arbitrary view and even update it when desired (see Custom views).

Add an info window

To add an info window, it is required that you first add a marker to the map using fun addMarker(OmhMarkerOptions): OmhMarker?. To enable an info window in a marker, the minimal setup that is required is setting the title property - after it is set, the info window will be shown by default upon tapping the marker (unless the on marker click handler returns true) and can be used programmatically (see Programmatic usage).

Minimal usage would be for instance:

val omhMarkerOptions = OmhMarkerOptions().apply {
    position = OmhCoordinate(-34.0, 151.0)
    title = "Sydney",
    snippet = "Some snippet to show inside this info window"


You can listen to marker events by setting a listener on the OmhMap instance. The following event listeners are available:

  • setOnMarkerClickListener - listens for click events on markers; please note a few important things:
    • the listener returns a Boolean value: true for suppressing the default behaviour of the provider’s implementation, or false for allowing it
    • that, for instance, in the Google Maps plugin, there is a discrepancy described in the official documentation in the behaviour of getIsInfoWindowShown inside setOnInfoWindowClickListener with respect to other providers and it has been documented in the parity matrix of the plugin
  • setOnMarkerDragListener - listens for drag events on markers
  • setOnInfoWindowClickListener - listens for click events on info windows assigned to markers

Programmatic usage

Info windows can be opened and closed programmatically using their OmhMarker instances:

Showing / re-opening windows

This method will show an info window if it is currently closed or re-open (i.e., close-then-open) it if it is currently open.


Hiding windows

This method will hide the info window if it is currently open or do nothing otherwise.


Custom views

Info windows can be customized to show any arbitrary view. This is done by setting a custom view factory on the instance of OmhMap. There are two approaches supported by OMH Maps (only if the provider supports each of the ways - please refer to the parity matrix of individual provider modules), as follows below.

You can find comprehensive code samples of this feature in the following files:

Please note that the exact behaviour of the custom views feature varies between providers.

Especially, the primary difference is in the way the custom views are rendered:

  • for Google Maps and Mapbox, the custom view is rendered to a static bitmap, meaning that any interaction listeners added to the view would be obsolete
  • for Azure Maps and OpenStreetMap, the custom view is rendered “live”, meaning that any interaction listeners added to the view would function as usual, with the exception that adding interaction listeners to the root view in the custom info window view factory may be forbidden - for more information, please refer to the advanced documentation of each of the providers

Using a custom window view factory

This is the primary approach that entirely overrides the default info window view and renders a custom one instead. If this factory is set with OmhMap method fun setCustomInfoWindowViewFactory(listener: OmhInfoWindowViewFactory): Unit, then it overrides the contents view approach.

omhMap?.setCustomInfoWindowViewFactory(object : OmhInfoWindowViewFactory {
    override fun createInfoWindowView(marker: OmhMarker): View {
        val view = this.layoutInflater.inflate(

        val position = omhMarker.getPosition()
        val snippet = omhMarker.getSnippet()

        val titleTv = view.findViewById<TextView>(
        val descriptionTv = view.findViewById<TextView>(
        val coordinatesTv = view.findViewById<TextView>(

        titleTv.text = omhMarker.getTitle()
        descriptionTv.text =
            """${snippet ?: "(snippet currently not set)"}
                |Rendered at: ${
        if (snippet == null) {
            descriptionTv.setTypeface(null, Typeface.ITALIC)

        coordinatesTv.text =
            "(${"%.4f".format(position.latitude)}, ${"%.4f".format(position.longitude)})"

        return view

Using a custom contents view factory

If a custom window view factory has not been set, then OMH Maps checks if a custom contents view factory has been set with OmhMap method fun setCustomInfoWindowContentsViewFactory(listener: OmhInfoWindowViewFactory): Unit. If it has been set, then it is used to render the contents of the info window inside the default template. Effectively, this means that while the outer design of the info window will be of the provider, the contents of it would be the arbitrary view returned from the factory.

omhMap?.setCustomInfoWindowContentsViewFactory(object : OmhInfoWindowViewFactory {
    override fun createInfoWindowView(marker: OmhMarker): View {
        val view = this.layoutInflater.inflate(

        val position = omhMarker.getPosition()
        val snippet = omhMarker.getSnippet()

        val titleTv = view.findViewById<TextView>(
        val descriptionTv = view.findViewById<TextView>(
        val coordinatesTv = view.findViewById<TextView>(

        titleTv.text = omhMarker.getTitle()
        descriptionTv.text =
            """${snippet ?: "(snippet currently not set)"}
                |Rendered at: ${
        if (snippet == null) {
            descriptionTv.setTypeface(null, Typeface.ITALIC)

        coordinatesTv.text =
            "(${"%.4f".format(position.latitude)}, ${"%.4f".format(position.longitude)})"

        return view