OMH Location

The main entry point for location services integration. In order to use most location APIs, clients are required to hold either the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission or the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

There are several types of use cases for location. One of the most common is simply obtaining a single location in order to determine where the device is now, and continue from there.

Get current location

The getCurrentLocation(OmhSuccessListener, OmhFailureListener) API is designed to get the device current location. It requires two listeners: OmhSuccessListener and OmhFailureListener.

Success listener

Callback for when a ‘OmhCoordinate’ was obtained. The method onSuccess(OmhCoordinate) is executed after successfully obtained.

val onSuccessListener = OmhSuccessListener { OmhCoordinate: OmhCoordinate ->
    currentLocation = OmhCoordinate
    // Handle current location

Failure listener

Callback interface for when a OmhCoordinate failed to obtain. The method onFailure(Exception) is executed after failling to obtain.

val onFailureListener = OmhFailureListener { exception: Exception ->
    Log.e(TAG, "Error", exception)
    // Handle the failure case

Example of usage to get the current location with the success listener and failure listener

    OmhOnSuccessListener = { OmhCoordinate ->
        currentLocation = OmhCoordinate
        // Handle current location
    OmhOnFailureListener = { exception ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Error", exception)
        // Handle the failure case

Get last location

The getLastLocation(OmhSuccessListener, OmhFailureListener) API is designed to get the most recent historical location currently available. It will return null if no historical location is available. The historical location may be of an arbitrary age.

    OmhOnSuccessListener = { OmhCoordinate: OmhCoordinate ->
        lastLocation = OmhCoordinate
        // Handle last location
    OmhOnFailureListener = { exception: Exception ->
        Log.e(TAG, "Error", exception)
        // Handle the failure case