Map Markers

The maps API allows you to add a marker on the map.

Add a marker

You can add a marker to an specific position on the map. The marker’s icon is rendered on the map at the position. To add a marker call the function fun addMarker(OmhMarkerOptions): OmhMarker?.

Remove a marker

To delete a marker from the map, call the method OmhMarker.remove(). All marker resources will be freed, the associated info window - if open - will be closed and the marker will be removed from the map. After calling this method, please ensure that you do not use the marker instance anymore.

Marker options

Define marker options for a Marker. A position and title can be set. Example of usage of OmhMarkerOptions and addOmhMarker(OmhMarkerOptions):

val omhMarkerOptions = OmhMarkerOptions().apply {
    position = OmhCoordinate(-34.0, 151.0)
    title = "Sydney"


You can listen to marker events by setting a listener on the OmhMap instance. The following event listeners are available:


This listener is invoked upon click events on markers. Please note that, e.g., for the Google Maps plugin, there is a discrepancy in the behaviour of getIsInfoWindowShown inside setOnInfoWindowClickListener with respect to other providers and it has been documented in the parity matrix of the plugin.

omhMap.setOnMarkerClickListener({ marker ->
    // do something with the marker


This listener is invoked upon drag events on markers.

omhMap.setOnMarkerDragListener(object : OmhOnMarkerDragListener {
    override fun onMarkerDrag(marker: OmhMarker) {
        // ...

    override fun onMarkerDragEnd(marker: OmhMarker) {
        // ...

    override fun onMarkerDragStart(marker: OmhMarker) {
        // ...


This listener is invoked upon click events on open info windows.

omhMap.setOnInfoWindowClickListener { marker ->
    // ...