My Location Layer

Functions related to the current location of the device: Enable or disable the location layer, check if the layer is enabled or disabled, and set additional functionality when the icon is clicked to center location.

Set my location enabled

Enables or disables the my location layer. By default the layer is disabled. Important: To use this function is required Access Coarse Location or Access Fine Location permission.

Enable my location layer

To enable My Location Layer call the function and pass true fun setMyLocationEnabled(Boolean). It is necessary to have granted the Location Permission. Request Permissions

// Before checking the permissions, you have to ask the permissions.
if (checkSelfPermission(requireContext(), ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED ||
    checkSelfPermission(requireContext(), ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {

Disable my location layer

To disable My Location Layer call the function and pass false fun setMyLocationEnabled(Boolean).


Is my location layer enabled

To check if the My Location Layer is enabled call fun isMyLocationEnabled(): Boolean.

if (omhMap.isMyLocationEnabled()) {
    // Is enabled
} else {
    // Is not enabled

Set MyLocation button click listener

To set a click listener that’s invoked when the my location button is clicked. The listener is set in the method fun setMyLocationButtonClickListener(OmhOnMyLocationButtonClickListener).

My location button click listener

Callback when the My Location Dot(which signifies the user’s location) is clicked. This callback has the method fun onMyLocationButtonClick(): Boolean.

val omhOnMyLocationButtonClickListener = OmhOnMyLocationButtonClickListener {
    // Example display a Toast that is centering the camera
    Toast.makeText(requireContext(), "Center location", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Now the OmhOnMyLocationButtonListener can be set to fun setMyLocationButtonClickListener(OmhOnMyLocationButtonClickListener).
