Plugin Escape Hatch

This plugin provides an escape hatch to access the native Google Maps SDK for Android API. This allows developers to use the underlying provider’s API directly, should they need to access a feature of the provider that is not supported by the OMH plugin.

You can obtain the native GoogleMap map instance by casting the OmhMap instance to OmhMapImpl:

import as GoogleMapsOmhMapImpl
(omhMap as GoogleMapsOmhMapImpl).googleMap

For this provider, the following limitations as to the provider’s API apply:

  • calling GoogleMap.setInfoWindowAdapter will break OMH custom info windows system
  • calling GoogleMap.setOnMyLocationButtonClickListener will break my location button in the OMH map view
  • calling GoogleMap.setOnCameraMoveStartedListener, GoogleMap.setOnCameraIdleListener will break OMH interaction listeners
  • calling GoogleMap.setOnMapLoadedCallback will entirely break the OMH implementation
  • calling GoogleMap.setOnMarkerClickListener, GoogleMap.setOnMarkerDragListener will break OMH Marker interaction listeners system
  • calling GoogleMap.setOnInfoWindowCloseListener, GoogleMap.setOnInfoWindowClickListener, GoogleMap.setOnInfoWindowLongClickListener will break OMH Info Window interaction listeners system
  • calling GoogleMap.setOnPolylineClickListener will break OMH Polyline interaction listeners system
  • calling GoogleMap.setOnPolygonClickListener will break OMH Polygon interaction listeners system
  • calling Marker.remove() will remove the marker from the map, yet the OmhMarker won’t be conscious of this change, which will likely lead to an exception
  • calling Polyline.remove() will remove the marker from the map, yet the OmhPolyline won’t be conscious of this change, which will likely lead to an exception
  • calling Polygon.remove() will remove the marker from the map, yet the OmhPolygon won’t be conscious of this change, which will likely lead to an exception