Plugin Escape Hatch

This plugin provides an escape hatch to access the native osmdroid API. This allows developers to use the underlying provider’s API directly, should they need to access a feature of the provider that is not supported by the OMH plugin.

You can obtain the native MapView map instance by casting the OmhMap instance to OmhMapImpl:

import as OSMOmhMapImpl
(omhMap as OSMOmhMapImpl).mapView

For this provider, the following limitations as to the provider’s API apply:

  • calling MapView.setOnTouchListener will break touch system for OMH
  • calling Marker.remove() will remove the marker from the map, yet the OmhMarker won’t be conscious of this change, which will likely lead to an exception
  • calling Marker.setOnMarkerClickListener or Marker.setOnMarkerDragListener will break OMH marker interactions system
  • calling Polyline.setOnClickListener will break OMH polyline interactions system
  • calling Polyline.remove() will remove the polyline from the map, yet the OmhPolyline won’t be conscious of this change, which will likely lead to an exception
  • calling Polygon.setOnClickListener will break OMH polyline interactions system
  • calling Polygon.remove() will remove the polyline from the map, yet the OmhPolygon won’t be conscious of this change, which will likely lead to an exception
  • calling InfoWindow.view.setOnTouchListener, InfoWindow.view.setOnClickListener, InfoWindow.view.setOnLongClickListener will break OMH Info Window interactions system