
class NetworkConnectivityChecker(context: Context)

Helper class to check the network connectivity.



to get the a system-level service class ConnectivityManager.

Note: System services obtained via this API may be closely associated with the Context in which they are obtained from. In general, do not share the service objects between various different contexts (Activities, Applications, Services, Providers, etc.)


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fun NetworkConnectivityChecker(context: Context)


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fun interface OmhOnLostConnection

Inner interface to handle when the connection is lost.


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@RequiresPermission(anyOf = ["android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"])
fun isNetworkAvailable(): Boolean

Checks if there is internet connection.

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@RequiresPermission(anyOf = ["android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"])
fun startListeningForConnectivityChanges(onLostConnection: NetworkConnectivityChecker.OmhOnLostConnection)

Register callbacks to receive notifications when different network states change.

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Unregisters the all registered callbacks if possible.