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Sample App

The Sample App is configured to use the local version of the library, so any changes you make to the library's source code will be reflected in the sample app. Changes to the library's JavaScript code will be reflected in the sample app without a rebuild, but native code changes will require a rebuild of the sample app.

To edit the Kotlin files, open apps/sample-app/android in Android Studio and find the source files at openmobilehub_storage-core under Android.

To start the sample app, run the following command in the root directory to install the required dependencies for each package:

yarn install

Development Requirements

To develop, you must ensure that React Native Codegen is run at least once, and after any changes to the native specs, it must be re-run. This is done by running the following command:

yarn codegen:android

Environment setup

Before getting started, the documentation assumes you are able to create a project with React Native. If you do not meet these prerequisites, follow the links below:

React Native - Setting up the development environment

Install CocoaPods

Navigate to the ios directory and run the following command to install the required CocoaPods dependencies:

cd apps/sample-app/ios && pod install

Providers setup

Before proceeding with the setup, ensure you have created an app for each service provider:

If you don't want to set up certain providers, you can leave their values empty.



(In apps/sample-app/android)


cp .env.sample .env

(In apps/sample-app)

Starting the Sample App

You can use various commands from the root directory to work with the project.

To start the packager:

yarn sample-app start

To run the example app on Android:

yarn sample-app android

To run the example app on iOS:

yarn sample-app ios