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This project is a monorepo managed using Yarn workspaces. It contains the following packages:

  • An example app in the apps/sample-app/ directory.
  • The core library in the packages/core/ directory.
  • Provider packages in the packages/plugin-*/ directories.

To get started with the project, run the following command in the root directory to install the required dependencies for each package:

yarn install

Next, you need to build the packages by running the following command:

yarn build

Sample app

The sample app demonstrates usage of the library. You need to run it to test any changes you make.

It is configured to use the local version of the library, so any changes you make to the library's source code will be reflected in the example app. Changes to the library's JavaScript code will be reflected in the example app without a rebuild, but native code changes will require a rebuild of the example app.

To edit the Java or Kotlin files, open apps/sample-app/android in Android studio and find the source files at omh_react-native-auth-* under Android.

Environment setup

Before getting started, the documentation assumes you are able to create a project with React Native. If you do not meet these prerequisites, follow the links below:

React Native - Setting up the development environment

Install CocoaPods

Navigate to the ios directory and run the following command to install the required CocoaPods dependencies:

cd apps/sample-app/ios && pod install

Providers setup

Before proceeding with the setup, please ensure you have created an app for each service provider. Detailed instructions can be found in the Provider Configuration section.

Create files from templates that contain secrets for specific providers. If you don't want to setup certain providers, you can leave their values empty.


# In apps/sample-app/android


# In apps/sample-app
cp .env.sample .env

Starting the sample app

You can use various commands from the root directory to work with the project.

To start the packager:

yarn workspace react-native-omh-auth-sample start

To run the example app on Android:

yarn workspace react-native-omh-auth-sample android

To run the example app on iOS:

yarn workspace react-native-omh-auth-sample ios

Creating a new plugin

You can create a new plugin by following the existing plugins structure:

All providers should inherit the IAuthModule from the @openmobilehub/auth-core, to ensure consistency across different providers.


We use TypeScript for type checking, ESLint with Prettier for linting and formatting the code.

Make sure your code passes TypeScript and ESLint. Run the following to verify:

yarn lint
yarn typecheck

To fix formatting errors, run the following:

yarn lint --fix


We use Jest for testing. Our pre-commit hooks verify that the linter and tests pass when committing.

Remember to add tests for your change if possible. Run the unit tests by:

yarn test

Writing documentation

Documentation is located under /docs/. We use Docusaurus to generate the documentation website and docusaurus-plugin-typedoc to generate API documentation from TypeScript docstrings. The API documentation is built automatically with Github Actions and published on GitHub Pages upon merging to the main branch with this workflow file.

Remember to document your code according to JSDoc reference and to write proper Markdown documentation manually when needed in the /docs/docs/ directory.

You can view information about the documentation and its scripts in the README. To simply run documentation locally, you can run:

yarn workspace docs start

Publishing to npm

To publish new version to the NPM we use lerna. Packages are published automatically after merging a commit that contains a version bump.

  1. Run yarn version:bump
  2. Create PR with a new version
  3. After merging the PR with a version bump, package will be released automatically and a corresponding git tag will be created by the Github Actions Workflow

Commit message convention

We follow the conventional commits specification for our commit messages:

  • fix: bug fixes, e.g. fix crash due to deprecated method.
  • feat: new features, e.g. add new method to the module.
  • refactor: code refactor, e.g. migrate from class components to hooks.
  • docs: changes into documentation, e.g. add usage example for the module..
  • test: adding or updating tests, e.g. add integration tests using detox.
  • chore: tooling changes, e.g. change CI config.

Our pre-commit hooks verify that your commit message matches this format when committing.

Sending a pull request

Working on your first pull request? You can learn how from this free series: How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub.

When you're sending a pull request:

  • Prefer small pull requests focused on one change.
  • Verify that linters and tests are passing.
  • Review the documentation to make sure it looks good.
  • Follow the pull request template when opening a pull request.
  • For pull requests that change the API or implementation, discuss with maintainers first by opening an issue.