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React Native OMH Auth

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React Native OMH Auth streamlines connecting your React Native app to authentication provider services by providing lightweight bridges to native OMH Auth SDKs on both iOS and Android. Supporting both Google Mobile Services (GMS) and non-GMS configurations, with a unified interface for easy incorporation of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Dropbox and other supported third-party authentication providers.


  • 📱 GMS and non-GMS support for all auth providers
  • 🔗 Identical API across all providers
  • 🌱 Easy configuration and setup
  • ⚡️ Instant sign-in with native GMS, Facebook and Dropbox apps
  • 🌐 Custom Tabs support for Android
  • 💨 Lightweight modules

OMH Auth Modules

This is the main directory of the mono-repo for React Native OMH Auth. If you're searching for a particular package, please click on the corresponding package link below.

A single codebase, running seamlessly on any device

For instance, the following screenshots showcase multiple devices with Android, both with GMS and Non-GMS, and iOS. The same app works without changing a single line of code, supporting multiple auth provider implementations.

Android GMS DeviceAndroid Non GMS DeviceiOS Device
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