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OmhMarker Advanced Usage

Consuming touch events

In some cases, it may be desired to consume the touch events that occur on a marker to suppress the default behaviour of the provider's implementation and either perform only some custom action, or even prevent any behaviour at all.

For this case, it is only required that the consumeMarkerClicks property is set to true, e.g.:

<OmhMarker consumeMarkerClicks />

Making markers draggable

Markers can be made draggable by setting the draggable property to true, yet since the marker is a controlled component with respect to the position property, it is required to handle the onDragEnd event to update the marker's position state variable, e.g.:

function MyComponent() {
const [position, setPosition] = useState({ latitude: 0, longitude: 0 });

return (
onDragEnd={event => {

Neglecting to update the position after a drag event is ended may result in the marker being shown at a position on the map up until the marker updates its underlying native component's position according to the value passed as its position property.

For convenience and full flexibility, each of the drag events (onDragStart, onDrag, onDragEnd) provide the position property in the nativeEvent object, which contains the current position of the marker; for performance reasons, in a typical use case it is not required to update the position of the marker in onDrag, which may be invoked frequently.

Known limitations

Custom info window views are not supported by the React Native OMH Maps library.