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React Native OMH Auth - Microsoft

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npm add @openmobilehub/auth-microsoft



Each plugin requires you to follow the iOS and Android configuration prior to interacting with it.

Console App

To access Google APIs, please follow these steps in order to obtain the Client ID:

  1. Create a new app in Microsoft Azure. Make sure to set the Account Type to: "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (such as Skype, Xbox)".
  2. Add the Android platform and specify your Package Name and Signature Hash for your app.
  3. Add the iOS / macOS platform and specify your Bundle ID for your app.
  4. Download the ms_auth_config.json file and add it in the android/app/src/main/res/raw directory.


Add a new entry to your android/ file:




Before interacting with Microsoft, initialization of the Microsoft Auth Client is necessary, requiring platform specific configuration to be set.

import MicrosoftAuthClient from '@openmobilehub/auth-microsoft';

await MicrosoftAuth.initialize({
android: {
scopes: ['User.Read'],
configFileName: 'ms_auth_config',
ios: {
scopes: ['User.Read', 'openid', 'profile', 'email', 'offline_access'],
redirectUrl: '',

Other methods

Known limitations"

Due to current limitations to the underlying Microsoft SDK, revoking a token is not supported as of now. Instead an error with the "Method not supported." message will be thrown when calling the revokeAccessToken method.

Interacting with the Microsoft provider follows the same pattern as other providers since they all implement the IAuthModule interface. For a comprehensive list of available methods, refer to the Quick Start guide.
